AFTER her return to the prison, Hester Prynne was found to be in a state of nervous excitement that demanded constant watchfulness, lest she should perpetrate violence on herself, or do some half-frenzied mischief to the poor babe. 海丝特白兰返回监狱之后,便陷入一阵神经质的激动之中,必须有人片刻不离地看守着她,以防止她作出自戕之举,或在一时狂乱之中对可怜的婴儿有所伤害。
Eg. an escape from prison involving violence by one or more prisoners. 一个或多个囚犯使用暴力从监狱逃跑。
Prison is the violence machine of the state, and the enforcement authorities for penalty. 监狱是国家的暴力机器,是刑罚执行机关。
As the place of the punishing criminal, the prison is also the most concentrated place of the man who commit crimes in society. So the danger, the violence and emergency is more than other place. 监狱作为关押犯罪分子的惩罚场所,也是社会罪恶制造者最集中的地方,其危险性、狂暴性、突发性远远超过社会平均水平。